

德國進口涂層測厚儀QNIX4500 涂裝檢測好幫手

日期:2025-02-04 16:38
摘要: QNix4500一體化/分體化設計,只需調零,無需校準,使用極其簡單。QNix4500為磁性和渦流兩用測厚儀,不僅可以用來測量鋼鐵等磁性基體,還可以用來測量鋁、銅、不銹鋼等非磁性金屬表面的涂層、氧化膜、磷化膜等覆層。這兩個型號操作簡單,攜帶方便,精度高,為廣大用戶所喜愛。 在傳統QNix® 4500基礎上,為了滿足客戶不同的需要,特推出QNix® 4500(分體式)機,探頭和主機之間通過一根探頭線連接起來,可以滿足特定測量環境(比如狹小空間)的需要,測量更方便,使用更人性化,性價比更高 ...


在傳統QNix® 4500基礎上,為了滿足客戶不同的需要,特推出QNix® 4500(分體式)機,探頭和主機之間通過一根探頭線連接起來,可以滿足特定測量環境(比如狹小空間)的需要,測量更方便,使用更人性化,性價比更高







QNix® 4500(分體式)介紹

1 簡單快速測量

2 不需要校準

3 自動開關機

4 大量程FE:0-5000um NFE:0-3000um

5 雙用探頭,性價比高

6 霍爾傳感器讓測量更穩定

 7 測量時聲音同步

8 紅寶石耐磨頭,壽命長

9 背光LED顯示,讀數更加清晰


11 分體式探頭,滿足不同的測量環境

The 4000 series QNix® coating thickness gauges deliver precise and quick measurement results, are easy to use and extremely robust.

Are you looking for a universal coating thickness gauge that has proven itself time and again? Can you forego measured value memory or software-supported evaluation in your area of application?

Then the QNix® 4200 (for measurements on Fe) or the QNix® 4500 (for measurements on Fe and NFe) is the right coating thickness gauge for you.

Reliable measurement results on Fe and NFe metals

Thousands of users around the world have used the coating thickness gauges from the 4000 series for years. As a user you can also benefit from these successful models.

The QNix® 4200 gives you reliable measurement results on steel and iron (Fe). The QNix® 4500 lets you take measurements on steel, iron (Fe) and non-ferrous metals (NFe) like aluminium, zinc, copper and brass.

Broad range of applications and easy to use

QNix® devices from the 4000 series are available in a variety of different versions, such as with an integrated or cable probe or with an extended measuring surface of up to 5 mm. This lets you cover a very broad range of applications if need be. 

We want to make your work easier as a user. That is why all QNix® coating thickness gauges function according to our easy-to-use principle: simply position, measure and read.

All the advantages of the QNix® at a glance:

Easy operation: Position – measure – read

High accuracy and precision

Convenient zero-point calibration

Durable ruby measuring head tip

Product information

Information sheet for QNix® 4200 / QNix® 4500

The QNix® 4500 / 4200 in detail

Meets the following standards:


ISO 2178

ASTM B 499

ASTM D 7091

ISO 2360 (only QNix® 4500)


Automatically turns on and off

Operation with one hand and one button

Only one function key

Manual and automatic substrate switching (QNix® 4500)

Advantages of application

Optimal readability - large numbers 

Can be read in the dark and in direct sunlight - backlit LCD

For everyday use - ergonomic design with recessed grip

Polished ruby measuring head tip protects the measuring probe and the surfaces to be measured

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